Volunteer for Boho Arts
Boho Arts is at a time of change and growth, and volunteers are critical in helping us move forward on our mission. All our team volunteers their spare time towards our endeavours, and it’s only through this help over the past 2 years that we have got to where we are, but there is so much more to do.
If you can offer some of your time, skills, talents, experience, or resources to help us on our mission by performing, facilitating or helping out at our events or behind the scenes, we would love to hear from you.
In the first instance, please download and complete our Vols Skills Survey.
This will help us understand your skills and experience in the areas you would like to help with or up-skill in, and the time you may be able to commit as a volunteer.
It is mainly 'tick box' and should only take 5-10mins to complete, depending on the number of areas you are interested in. You can also read our volunteers policy.
We will respond to let you know we've received your submission within 7 days and we'll get back in touch when the right opportunity arises or potentially with more questions if there is something on the near horizon.
Next, if you are on Facebook, please join our private Boho Arts Vols group where you can meet other volunteers and respond to general calls for help. to d to any quick opportunities or calls for help
Lastly, if you use social media, it would be great if you follow us and help by liking and sharing our posts