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Guidance on how to use our booking system, choosing your ticket type and which price to pay.

Tiered Pricing Structure
Standard | Supported | Bursary


Automated Booking System

All ticket bookings, cancellations and transfers are automated. It's easy for you to login to your account to view your bookings or make changes.



  • You'll find the login button at the top right of each schedule, or access your account through the emails you receive.

  • Your booking confirmation and reminder emails contain

    • Green Button that takes you directly to your account

    • Our contact details should you need assistance.

    • And all the relevant information on your booking


Waiting Lists

If a class you want is full, a Green Waiting List Button will appear at the top right of the event. Click the button to join the waiting list and you'll be automatically notified as soon as a place becomes available.


For Regulars


£106 (standard) & £89 (supported)
Beginners, Short-form, Long-form, Ensemble Courses
Best Value
  • 6 Class Course

  • Steadily develop your practice with the same group on the same night every week over a 6-week term.

  • Course tickets are non-transferable. I.E. You can't switch to a different group.

  • If you're unsure you can make all dates, pick a pass instead for more flexibility.


Courses will generally save you the most money - actually £44 off 6 standard-priced single tickets! Though our 12-class passes are cheaper still.



Passes for Classes

From £65 (standard) & £50 (supported)
For Short-form, Long-form, Ensemble & Musical Classes
And 8-class Pass for Beginners at £140/£120
Giving you Savings and Flexibility

Durations of 30 to 80 days.


  • Cancel a class and retain its use.

  • Transfer to another suitable class.

Cancel or transfer as little as 7hrs before (that's by noon for 7pm evening classes)

Passes are perfect if you want to come to class frequently, but can't make a full course or regular night of the week. They're flexible, save you money, and give you choice. You can stick to your usual class or try out different groups and nights. â€‹

How to Order Your Pass


  1. On your chosen schedule page, scroll down to the bottom of the first event you want.

  2. Select your first Class Ticket

  3. Select a Pass that shows beneath the ticket.

  4. Select more dates and class tickets now, or return later.

  5. Go to your basket to pay. Click the Basket Icon at the top of the schedule or the View Selections at the foot of the page


Just the Ticket

Single Classes

£25 (standard) & £20 (supported)
Short-form, Long-form, Ensemble & Musical Classes
Pay As You Go
  • When you just want to drop in every now and then

  • Single tickets are transferable with as little 7 hours notice.

  • Login ​to transfer to another class happening within 60 the days.





Short-form, Long-form, Ensemble & Muscial Classes
Last-minute Bargains
  • If there are spare places then you can pick up a deal!

  • At 4pm on the day, check out if any standby tickets are available. If they are, they'll show up top of the schedule pages.

  • TIP: If a class you want is full, a Green Waiting List Button will show on the event. Click to join the list. You'll be automatically notified as soon as there's a cancellation.​



As a registered charity, we don't want price to be a barrier to access. We aim to make our School of Improv prices affordable for you whilst making them sustainable for us to continue to operate a high-quality programme and provide as many opportunities for people to participate as we can.​​


Therefore, we operate a 2-tiered pricing structure with Standard and Supported Price Tickets (see Bursaries below)


This is an honesty system. Meaning we trust you are honest when choosing which price is affordable for you under your current circumstances.



Here are some examples of why the Standard Price should be appropriate for you. 


  • I am gainfully employed or self-employed

  • I choose not to work

  • I have access to financial savings

  • I am adequately supported by my family or partner

  • I can claim back tax or work allowances on the fees

  • I have income from property or investments

  • I have a reasonable amount of expendable income**

  • I am able to meet all of my basic needs*

  • I may have some debt but it doesn’t prohibit attainment of my basic needs*


If the Standard Price is unaffordable for you, you could choose our Supported Price if several of these statements are similar to your circumstances.

  • ​I am unemployed or underemployed

  • I am self-employed and my income is low, irregular and uncertain

  • I qualify government assistance, e.g. benefits, local welfare schemes.

  • I have dependants and I’m the sole provider of my household

  • I frequently stress about meeting my basic needs*

  • I have debt and it sometimes prohibits me from meeting my basic needs*.

  • I have no access to savings

  • I have very limited expendable income*

*BASIC NEEDS include essential food, housing, energy, transportation, clothing, education, child care, and health care.


** EXPENDABLE INCOME is what you have spare after covering your after paying all essential living costs, to save or spend on such things as leisure, entertainment, travel, hobbies and treats.


Thanks to the Community Foundation's Newcastle Culture Investment Fund, we are currently offering free bursary course places for:


  • Sanctuary seekers and people with lived refugee experience

  • People of colour who would not have the financial means to attend otherwise. You will need to have evidence of Benefits such as Universal Credit or Job Seekers Allowance, or be able to explain why you are unable to access benefits.

  • For those living in or local to Newcastle, we can support with public transport costs to and from our classes and showcases, and for volunteering opportunities we may offer.​

  • ​

To apply, in the first instance, please email us to express your interest and tell us a little about who you are and your current circumstances.

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